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4 Vaastu tips for a better work from home experience

The importance of vaastu (vaastu tips) has been exceptionally important in India ever since the ancient times. After the covid pandemic ‘work from home’ has become the new normal.

The energy at an office and one’s home are conflicting and often at odds with each other. “The vibe at home should be that of peace and harmony whereas the energy of an office is directed more towards goal-setting, achievement and increasing profits”. That’s where vaastu shastra comes to your rescue and make your work from home experience a breeze.

  1. Have dedicated work station – “Always make it a point to sit at the same spot every day. People have this tendency to slouch with a laptop propped on the thighs, migrating between the bed and the couch, this diverts your focus and your get tired in few hours. Have a dedicated work space just like you have a temple in your home. After all work us worship
  2. Play with colors in your work area – We tend to stuck at tasks, loose focus or feel distressed while working from home, the best of vaastu tips is to incorporate some playful colors in your work area. According to vaastu if your work is getting delayed or you are facing a lot of hurdles add a few bright orange elements to your work desk. Similarly if you feel low or irritated often then add yellow. If you think the work from home is going just fine try to add some red accents to keep up the energy.
  3. Choose the right direction – A vital vaastu tip is to never place your work station in such a way that your back is facing the room’s entrance; it will make you restless and obnoxious. “Kuber” the god of wealth’s direction is north and east is where rises from, try to work from north east corner as this direction tends to sharpen the intellectual abilities.
  4. Use aromatic diffusers – According to vaastu tips, camphor is considered as very auspicious element burning camphor every few days in your work area helps discard negative vibes. Placing some aromatic diffusers and potpourri is also not unusual, aromatics not only enhance the vibe of the place but also makes you feel more composed, calm and at peace.

Bonus: Keep your work desk isolated from others, working in a peaceful area will have positive effects as working from area which is noisy, attracts outside sound and pollution is not recommended.

Sankalp Group‘s projects in Jaipur offer modern apartments with an option to develop a home office or you can visit “THE INDEX” a mixed use project where you can buy a fully furnished office and an exceptionally luxury apartment all at Jagatpura’s most sought after Main Mahal Road.

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