interior decoration mistakes
Quick Tips

5 interior decoration mistakes to avoid in your house

The interior decoration trends are ever changing and it gets harder from time to time what things to be bought and what not! According to Seema Jain the managing director of Sankalp Group and a chief interior designer of the company she follows a strict rule that you must adhere to in order to make your house look modern and appealing.

Avoid on display clothing racks – if you are a bachelor or keep relocating from one apartment to another it might be a good idea to buy an on display clothing rack. However, it will only make your home look tasteless and cluttered as clothes hanging in open is not a very pleasant view and definitely an interior decoration mistakes to be avoided

Avoid using different kind of jars – For any kind of food, storage jars are most convenient but mostly people have a habit of using any jar looking things for instance empty jars of bournvita or coffee end up becoming storage containers for sugar and tea in most of the households which is one of a major interior decoration mistakes. It’s a big no, you must invest in some good jars of different sizes that look similar (may be you can buy some glass jars) to add more homogeneity in your kitchen. Similar looking storage containers add a unique vibe and class to the overall look and feel of your kitchen.

Avoid Red and Black walls – Red and Black color palette might look good in movies but in reality black and red color tones add aggression into your interior space and doesn’t goes well with most of the interiors (If there isn’t a theme) Soothing earthy colors are best suited for homes as they gives you a feeling of calmness and looks good and bright throughout the year.

Avoid artificial flowers – Unless you are a clean freak and wash your artificial flowers every now and then, they are a play ground for dust and mosquitoes and it’s an interior decoration mistake. While faux flowers do add some pop of color to your living spaces but trust us real plants are way more fulfilling. You can buy some succulent or easy to maintain real plants to replace artificial ones.

Avoid matching everything – while it’s a good idea to keep a harmony in interior décor, too much of matching objects will make it look boring. Try to add a little contrast wherever you can. Mixing of colors in walls, curtains and rugs will add more character to your interiors and your place will look more plush and premium.

To sum it up, interior decoration is subjective and varies from person to person yet, there are certain elements that can make or break the overall look and feel of your lovely abode.

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