5 Ways to Keep Your Home Cool in Summers
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5 Ways to Keep Your Home Cool in Summers

As the summers are getting hotter by each day it gets tougher to keep all the rooms cool in the presence of scorching sun and heat waves. Is there a way to keep home cool like ac’s without actually turning the ac’s on? Well, firstly we must understand that roof and exterior walls the two sources from which the home gets maximum heat. The heat gets radiated from higher levels to the lower ones that’s why lower floors receive minimum heat and top floors are always hotter. Similarly the position of the walls determine how much heat your home will receive as south walls are most hot and north facing walls are least hot due to the positioning and movement of sun in summers. There are certain ways you can drop down the temperature of your home

  1. Terrace Gardens – As we discussed that roof gets maximum heat and radiates it to lower levels, garden on roof helps to keep the roof cool. To keep it economical you can use plastic sheets to grow plants and grass and to avoid water seepage. Additionally rooftop garden add great ambiance to your home and makes it look much more beautiful.
  2. Lime wash or heat shield on roof – A heat reflective shield available over the counters at most of the paint shops acts as a wonderful heat protection device as it keeps the roof cool and minimizes the heat radiation at lower floors. It can do wonders for top floors as it decreases the temperature up to 5 degrees in these harsh summers.
  3. Bamboo Blinds – If you want to keep the interiors to look cool and keep the premises cool, try bamboo blinds. These are similar to regular metal blinds but they act as insulators against the harsh rays and filter humidity as well.
  4. Cross Ventilation – To keep the house cool make sure to have adequate cross ventilation. Keep the doors / windows to replenish the hot stagnant air and a steady flow of fresh air. Keep as many doors and windows open as you can in the morning from 5 am to 8 am and from 7 pm to 10 pm.
  5. Planters – Planters helps a lot to keep the humidity away as the breeze passes through them becomes moist and cool. They add exceptional value to the aesthetics of your house, plants like money plant, snake plant are even recommended by vaastu and feng-shui experts. Try planting some in your balcony, in your stair way and parking area to keep the area cool.

Additionally you can use mud plaster if you want to significantly decrease the indoor temperature and save huge on electricity. Incorporating these techniques not only save money but also very beneficial for the environment too.

The Index – A premium apartment project at NRI Chauraha, offers exceptional terrace gardens an infinity edge pool and open sitting areas where you can feel cool breezes even in harsh summers.

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