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7 Reasons Why You Must Own A Home If You Have Kids!

“Home is where your heart is…!” It is rightly said but, in Indian society having your own home symbolizes success, sense of pride and leaving a heritage for your loved ones. Earlier, owning a home was just about being the master of your own abode but after the pandemic hit us hard the old sayings and theories have changed. Importance of own home for kids home is not a luxury anymore it’s a necessity for mental and physical well being.

 The word had been left for turmoil after the corona pandemic break out in 2020. The world stood still and people were confined to their homes only, the times were especially hard for kids as they lost the freedom they had post pandemic. In India, a large majority of urban areas live in rental accommodations ,due to various reasons may it be income, nature of occupation etc. having said that we have realized that it’s more important than ever to own a home if you are raising kids for their overall health and well being.  We have listed a few important points why you must consider buying a home now.

  1. Strong relationship – Kids are sensitive and every time you relocate they have to leave their friends and surroundings and start all over again which can greatly affect their mental health as kids who have strong bonds with their friends, neighbor and surroundings tend to be more positive.
  2. Deep-rooted – usually a home buyer research a lot before investing into a property and make sure that they can afford the property. This research leads the buyers to invest in a homogeneous society and the kids hence interact with kids of similar background and live within their means, this leads to a better home environment. Importance of own home for kids can be easily found as children who see constant changes in school as a result of moving residence are generally less confident and socially awkward
  3. Sense of ownership – while living in a rental space your kids are always skeptical of how long they will be here but, if you own a home kids have a sense of ownership and this greatly impacts their confidence, activities and academic performance in a better way.
  4. Extensive outlook – Kids living in their own home observe the same surrounding for a longer duration this makes them more aware about their society, people and culture which helps them to have a sensible decision making when they grow older.
  5. Self-Reliance – The key to any kid’s success in life largely depends on the level of confidence they show in day to day life. Kids who live in their own home garner confidence through a spectrum of components like owning a room and helping with chores that ultimately makes them more spirited for coming challenges of life.
  6. Political View – Being interested in politics is a personal choice however an aware person should always know what’s happening in their part of the world. Statistics show that home owners tend to vote 3 times more than tenants; also kids who show interest in politics at a younger age tend to be more outspoken and well-informed. Living in your own home will enhance your kid’s exposure to the region’s political scenario and proves to be helpful in longer run
  7. Enhanced Social participation – Owning a home enables to associate with individuals and groups on a long term basis therefore enhances the chances of your kids to have long term participation in social activities  

The best gift that parents can give other than a great education is home. Real estate prices never declines when invested for a longer duration in this way you can make your child’s future safe by leaving behind a place that he can continue to use or sell/rent for a better financial status.

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