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7 Tips to Keep Your Home Tidy during Monsoon.

Monsoons are a welcome change from exhausting summers and prove a boon for our environment and vegetation but, it’s a tedious task to keep our homes spick and span due to high moisture and precipitation even for best houses in Jaipur.

There are certain ways you can keep your place organized and more maintained if you follow these easy tips.

  1. Unclog drains and pipes – The most important task during monsoons is to check the drains and pipes well in advance for any clogging and remove it. Clean drains will keep the house dry and easy passage of water.
  2. Check electrical fittings – Another important aspect is to inspect the electrical and check if there is any maintenance required as it could not only fuse easily during bad weather but, could be fatal if someone touches them unknowingly
  3. Repair any leaks and crack on roof and walls – even best houses in Jaipur can witness leaks and cracks resulting into water dripping from ceilings and could ruin your false ceiling and interiors. You must check for leaks and use chemical water proofing to avoid leaks and cracks for longer duration.
  4. Pack the rugs – Good carpets and rugs enhance the beauty of your living spaces and there is denying in that however, during monsoon it’s better to pack them nicely in a plastic bag and store them somewhere dry. Carpets and rugs are prone to bacterial growth during moist weather, to keep your kids healthy its best to store them during rains.
  5. Change bed sheets frequently – Similar to rugs bed sheets are accumulate bacteria in moist weather and it’s not recommended to use same bed sheets and pillow covers for more than 2-4 days. So, keep changing bed sheets every few days.
  6. Wooden furniture and floorings – Now, the most expansive and hard to maintain article of your home, the furniture and wooden floorings. To keep the furniture/flooring intact you must apply a clear coat or weather proof wax on your furniture so that they won’t absorb moisture and get inflated. A termite proof spray is also advisable to keep the termite and cockroaches away as they breed much faster during rainy season
  7. Use camphor balls and neem leaves – to keep cloths and stored items intact and free from mold you can use camphor, naphthalene balls and for food items using neem leaves can be helpful o keep insects away.

Rains are awesome and should be enjoyed thoroughly and in order to do that you must keep your home maintained well in advance. The best homes in Jaipur Use aromatic oils and fragrance sticks to further enhance the feel of the homes.

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