citizenship by investment in 2021
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7 Countries That Offer citizenship by investment in 2021

Many a times we think that it would have been better if we had settled in some other country to fulfill our dreams or to provide better life to our kids and spouse. Settling in a new country had never been easy and it requires money, skills, time and most importantly a deep rooted desire to relocate. Having said that there are many countries in world where the citizens are forced to live a bounded life and they seek refuge in other countries for security reasons. Thankfully India being a peaceful nation with growing economy safety and security reasons are out of question however, if you wish to relocate to another country for other reasons such as better healthcare, education or precisely to save tax there are multiple countries that can fulfill your dream just by making an investment in real estate among other sectors. Lists of few countries that offer citizenship by investment in 2021 :

  1. Antigua and Barbuda – A Caribbean heaven and a long running program of citizenship by investment make Antigua and Barbuda a great choice to obtain a second passport. The country is particularly favored by retirement planners and hotel industry people due to its breath taking beaches, water sport activities and easy going laid back lifestyle. You can obtain citizenship by investing a minimum of $200,000 in government bonds or real estate. The process is smooth and can be easily carried out by hiring an immigration lawyer or consultant
  2. St. Kitts and Navis – Another Caribbean island nation that offers citizenship by investment is St. Kitts and Navis. The country requires a minimum of $150,000 in govt. growth funds or $400,000 in real estate to obtain citizenship. The passport offers visa free travel to 156 countries.
  3. Grenada – The country is relatively new to offer citizenship by investment in 2021 mainly to boost their own economy however; the country offers scenic landscapes, very friendly nationals and safe environment. To obtain Grenadian citizenship you need to invest a minimum of $150,000 as donation to the govt. or to invest $350,000 in govt. approved real estate project for a minimum of 1 year. The passport offers visa free travel to 153 countries including schengen countries, china and Middle East.
  4. Moldova – An east European heavenly country with thriving community and rapidly developing markets Moldova can be a great country to obtain citizenship. The country is offering citizenship by a minimum investment of $130,000 in real estate or govt. bonds. The country also requires the applicants to live at least 6 months after applying and the process takes almost 3 months. The country offers visa free travel 122 countries with its passport and smoothly connected with Europe, Middle East and Asia.
  5. Montenegro – The country claims to be a member of European Union (EU) by 2025 and that makes it a hot favorite, the citizenship program is relatively new and requires $300,000 as donation to the govt. or real estate investment. The passport offers visa free travel to 170 countries. The economy is growing and could be a great place to restart your life all over again.
  6. Malta – Another east European gem that is extremely beautiful and strategically connected to rest of the Europe. The nation is growing at high pace and that’s why obtaining a passport by investing is rather expansive and have a high refusal rate. The country offers citizenship by investing a minimum of $600,000 in govt. funds, real estate or stock bonds. The passport offers visa free travel to 155 countries and it is a well developed country with high number of tourists visiting each year.
  7. Dominica – Dominica is again a Caribbean nation with growing economy and very friendly nationals along with gorgeous beaches. The country is considered very safe for single women and families which make it a favorite to obtain citizenship by investment of a minimum $150,000 in govt. funds or real estate. The best part about the citizenship program is that you do not have to live there to obtain the citizenship. The passport offers visa free travel to 155 countries.

Bonus Vanuatu – This small island nation is located close to Australia and new one to offer citizenship by investment in 2021, a minimum of $180,000 is required to invest in real estate or govt. bonds for citizenship. The country is very beautiful with easy access to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. The country is among the first nations to accept crypto currency in terms of investment. The passport offers a visa free travel to 115 countries.

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