jaipur's real estate industry
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How pandemic has transformed Jaipur’s real estate industry

After covid pandemic struck in late 2019, like all other sectors real estate industry had also faced a major setback as the sales were at an all time low. Slowly, as the market started to recover the sales in real estate had also increased, but this time the demands of consumers were not like before. The pandemic has taught a lesson and buyers now demand certain new changes in the properties they seek. At Sankalp group we have strive to make a list of how pandemic has transformed jaipur’s real estate industry.

  1. Affordable Housing: When the pandemic hit India it was very troublesome particularly for those who are living in rented houses. The landlords didn’t treated the tenants well, there were reports that in cities like Mumbai and Delhi (where the cases were high) the tenants were not allowed to enter in their homes when they were coming from other locations. Hence, the desire to purchase own home was increased and there was a rise in demand for homes which were affordable and range between Rs. 14 – Rs. 30 lacs.
  2. Ready to move homes: Another noticeable aspect of post pandemic effect on real estate industry was an increase in demand for properties which are ready to move as the consumers were well aware that shortage of labor and raw materials will delay the upcoming projects and hence ready to move properties witnessed a high demand as compared to newly launched projects.  
  3. Home Office: after the pandemic most of the companies remained closed for almost 5-6 months, corporate giants like Google decided to remain closed for further 6 months. As a result the population working from home has increased significantly. Now the home buyers seek a dedicated work space in their homes. A place which offers quiet working environment, high speed internet connectivity, ample light and power back up facilities in order to work from home smoothly.
  4. Quarantine area: as odd it may sound but, it’s a practical question asked by the buyers as they need to have a secluded space where they can isolate themselves or their family members if anyone is suspected to have corona.
  5. Touch free access: Builders in jaipur’s real estate industry are now developing premises where the residents can access common areas and their homes without physically touching the access devices such as bio-metric entries. Instead, buildings are now accessible by sensor based cards and hand bands which require no touch to access the desired areas.
  6. Home automation: another thing which came into prominence after the pandemic is home automation. Home buyers now require smart automation in which they can operate multiple appliances from their smart phones such as curtains, temperature and monitor their homes remotely. Builders like Sankalp group are providing Smart Alexa homes with automation in Jaipur’s real estate industry.
  7. Secured Premises: after the pandemic living in a secured premise with luxury amenities is on a rise. Consumers are seeking townships where they get 24×7 security with security guards to keep their loved ones safe and to avoid unnecessary trespassing. Luxury amenities may include swimming pool, gym, meeting/conference rooms, indoor games etc. just to avoid getting out in public to avail recreational activities.

To sum it all, Jaipur’s real estate industry is no different from rest of the country and the demands of consumers have changed for good after the pandemic. Builders are using innovative architecture techniques to provide pandemic friendly homes which can fulfill their demands.

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