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6 Advantages of Investing in a Mixed Use Project

Mixed use projects are not new if we talk about their presence. Even in ancient times shopping areas always had homes on higher floors however, as societies grew designated markets and houses became more popular. In recent time the trend of living in mixed use projects where residential and commercial activities function in same premise. There are various advantages of investing in a mixed use project some are discussed in this post.


One of the most exhilarating features about mixed use projects is their location. Often strategically placed in densely populated areas and located close to schools, libraries, and parks, mixed-use buildings provide a central home base with easy access to a number of amenities.


Mixed use projects tend to give higher returns in terms of rentals and appreciation as such projects are located on prime locations and due to ease of access, public transport, nearby amenities and high footfall mixed use projects often get higher rental returns and much higher monetary appreciation


As cities grow and traffic builds, it’s no surprise that Jaipurites are beginning to favor walking over driving as their preferred mode of transportation. As many as 38% of Jaipur would prefer to live in homes within walking distance of various amenities. With walk-ability being at the top of the home buyer’s list, it’s no wonder that more are starting to move into mixed use projects


Developers and investors have a promising new clientele base when it comes to mixed use projects. Besides residential and commercial spaces for lease, mixed-use buildings have the potential to drive a lot of interest and foot traffic compared to their stand-alone store counterpart.


Since commercial and residential tenants occupy one building, resources such as energy, trash disposal, and sewage can be used more efficiently.

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