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Quick Tips

Working from home, follow these easy steps to make it fun.

As the covid – 19 pandemic struck us hard in 2020, most of individuals working for corporate were forced to work from home to reverse the spread and too keep themselves safe. It’s almost a year and many are still not able to rejoin the offices due to the second wave. It was unexpected and we learnt a lot but, working from home was never a choice for majority of office going population. While working from home you can be close to your loved ones for more time, the monotony makes it hard to maintain a balance and makes you stressful at times. Here, we have discussed some ideas to make your work from home a breeze.

  1. Stay Motivated – Always remember this is just a phase, the world will be just like it was before the pandemic. You will re- join the office very soon. You are working from home temporarily so, do not stress out and try to enjoy with what you have and focus on how you can do better in your domain, try to learn new skills that you couldn’t acquire while working in the office and you will realize that it’s a blessing in disguise.
  2. Create a comfortable working space – if you have a home office you are a lucky person, but not everyone have enough space in their homes to make a full fledged office. What can be done is to create a work corner or nook in a secluded space where you have ample light, no disturbance and easy access to internet and power plugs to keep you laptops and smart phone running. You can incorporate your own version of work from home ideas by utilizing various DIY videos on youtube etc.
  3. Be ready before you start working – Try to keep things organized and make a fix routine to do office work each day. Take a bath, get ready, finish your breakfast and then start working. After every few hours stretch for a sometime, Allow fresh air to come in by opening windows or stretching in balcony.
  4. Spend time with your kids – once you are done with work, spend some quality time with your kids as its equally hard for them to stay at home. Help them with online classes or may be play with them it will be a bonding activity as well as, a great stress buster for you too.

We have learnt a lot during the pandemic most important lesson though is that family is important and we are together in this. The whole nation is fighting with this epidemic and it’s our duty to break the chain by staying indoors. These times will be over soon but, the time we spent with our loved ones will be nostalgic in coming times.

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